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KJP 2033





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



KJP 2033(圖1)-速報App

Joy of the Gospel (Evangelii Gaudium) defines the Church as the community of the baptized people of God who are called to be Missionary Disciples (EG #24, 119, 120). “Church as the community of the Missionary Disciples” is the sharpened Ecclesiology in New Evangelization and also is the vision for the Catholic Church. Everyone baptized in the Catholic Church is to be formed as Missionary Disciples. Indispendible need for this formation is the fulltime formators. They are the committed and consecrated persons in the Church. Thus a permanent need is the training of the trainers of formators. This training and formation is the work of the Church which is a community, an efficient and effective team which does New Evangelization.

KJP 2033(圖2)-速報App

Community of Missionary Disciples, Community of Formators of Missionary Disciples and Community of Trainers of the Formators of the Missionary Disciples are the different levels in the task of building community of Missionary Disciples. We target to form Missionaries like Paul and at the same time Disciple like John. Every baptized Catholic is to become John and Paul at the same time. So there are to be small communities of John Paul which would be like leaven to animate the whole Church that is at present ready to do everything for New Evangelization.

KJP 2033(圖3)-速報App

Community is “Koinonia” where the missionary disciples live in fellowship and friendship founded on forgiving love. Disciple is “Joannes” who is very close to the heart of Jesus the Master enjoying the Merciful fount of love and listening to the Word that flows from His bosom. Missionary is “Paulos” who is fired by the Holy Spirit, goes forth with the Gospel of Mercy, heals all the wounds of humanity and brings everyone close to the Merciful heart of Jesus. Thus a movement of Koinonia Joannes Paulos (KJP) is very much a need to bring the vision of the Church into a reality and to fulfill the mission of New Evangelization. It would be a movement, for the Church, working within the Church. Our patron would be St. John Paul.

The members are to commit totally for the cause of New Evangelization and the formation of Missionary Disciples. Any baptized Catholic who really understands this need in our Church and in the world can become a ful-fledged member. Certainly a collective effort would bring a change in the world of today and in our Church. For membership one may fill the form with a formal recommendation from the local pastors or any person responsible in the Church. The applications will be scrutinized and discerned by KJP core team. Then the concerned person will be informed about the acceptance. The accepted members will be given formation and will be co-ordinated for further functions. In this way, we may be able to fulfill to a certain extent, the Missionary Mandate and the Pastoral Mission of our Master Jesus Christ the Lord. (Mt 28/19, Mk 16/15, Lk 24/47,48, Jn 20/21,21/15-17).